Dirty solar panels can significantly decrease their efficiency and energy production, leading to potential losses in revenue. Our experienced team uses safe and effective cleaning methods to remove dirt, debris, and other contaminants that can accumulate on the panels. By keeping solar panels clean, we help maximise their efficiency and ensure they operate at peak performance. Our solar panel cleaning services not only improve energy production but also promote the longevity of solar panels, saving you time and money in the long run. With our commitment to providing exceptional service, you can trust us to keep your solar panels functioning optimally.
We offer solar panel bird proofing as a vital service to protect solar panels and birds alike. Birds often target solar panels for shelter and nesting, but this can cause significant damage and pose safety hazards. Our expert team provides bird proofing services by installing effective bird deterrents like netting or spikes to prevent birds from accessing the panels. By doing so, we protect solar panels from damage while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the birds. Ultimately, our solar panel bird proofing service helps promote sustainability, environmental protection, and safe energy production.
Get a quoteSolar panels work by converting light into electricity. If there is dirt on the surface of the solar panel, itcan reduce how much light is absorbed by that area, reducing efficiency.Cleaning solar panels reduce dust, debris, and other contaminants such asleaves and bugs, which could further reduce efficiency.
The frequency of cleaning your solar panels depends on various factors such as location, weather conditions, and the amount of dirt or debris that accumulates on the panels. In general, it's recommended to have your solar panels cleaned at least once a year to maintain their efficiency. However, in areas with high levels of pollution or dust, more frequent cleaning may be necessary.
While it's possible to clean your solar panels yourself, it's not recommended as it can be dangerous and may damage the panels. Professional solar panel cleaning services have the necessary equipment and expertise to safely and effectively clean your solar panels without causing any damage.
The cleaning process involves using a specially formulated cleaning solution and soft-bristled brushes to remove dirt, dust, and debris from the surface of the solar panels. The cleaning solution is designed to be environmentally friendly and won't harm the panels or the environment. After the panels are cleaned, the service provider will conduct a thorough inspection to ensure there are no issues with the panels.How much does solar panel cleaning cost?Answer: The cost of solar panel cleaning varies depending on factors such as the size of the solar panel array, the location of the panels, and the amount of cleaning needed. Most service providers offer a free quote based on these factors, so it's best to contact a professional solar panel cleaning service to get an accurate estimate. However, in general, the cost of solar panel cleaning is relatively affordable and is a worthwhile investment to maintain the efficiency of your solar panels.
The length of time it takes to clean solar panels depends on several factors, including the size of the system and the level of dirt and debris buildup. Generally, a typical residential solar panel cleaning service can take anywhere from 1-4 hours. Our team will assess your specific needs and provide an estimated timeframe for completion during the consultation process.
Our job is to provide you with the service you need but our goal is to do so in a manner that leaves you entirely satisfied. By partnering with us, you can rest assured you will get the finest in workmanship, customer service excellence and superior results.